Sunday, March 4, 2012

Excuse me for reading!

Books have always been a big part of my life.  I am actually sitting here as I write this, looking at my book shelf and the number of books I have read---and even the ones I haven't yet.  I am not always in the mood to read.  I can't just pick up a book and start reading.  So I have books from at least ten years ago that I haven't read yet.  I also have books that I won't give up for anything because memories are attached to them.

When the Kindle came out, I rebelled against it.  I wanted the feel of the actual book in my hand.  I'm all for technology, but this was going too far.  Added to this was the fact that our local mall no longer had a book store. I was horrified at this discovery!  I mean, really....What mall doesn't have a book store?  People still read after all.  But book store here.

The Nook followed the Kindle.  They were both very expensive, so I didn't even consider buying either one.  Then one day, the Kindle came down in price to where I could afford it. I bought it, and it was love at first sight when I got it.  I was reading again, something I hadn't done in years. I don't know why, but I find it easier to read books using the Kindle.  I mean really...What is more intimidating...A hand-held real copy of War and Peace or a Kindle version of it?  I don't know about you, but I find a real live book more intimidating than a book I see one page at a time. All was well with the world at this point.  And then....

Recently, our local ABC affiliate ran a story about the effects of the Kindle and Nook on our economy.   Apparently, the Nook and Kindle have attributed to major job loss locally.  Hey, thanks!  Nothing like making those of us with e-readers feel guilty.  Don't get me wrong. I do feel for those who lost their jobs.  But how is this our fault? We are only the readers.  We didn't ask for this new technology.  But there it was. Something easy to hold, easy to read, and less intimidating than a book since you only read one page at a time.  Personally, I find that I read more since I got the Kindle. Isn't that a good thing?

Yes, I love going to a book store and looking for books to read.  And it is definitely better for my pocketbook.  That Buy button when you have a Kindle or Nook is WAY too easy to hit.  At least when you go to a book store, you have to decide what you really want to buy.  I do feel for those who have lost their jobs locally. This is not a good time to become unemployed.  But please don't punish or criticize the reader with e-readers, even if it is unintentional.  We are mere victims of technology, after all. And the way I see it, if you are reading, any format is acceptable. After all, isn't reading the most important thing?  So yes, people may be out of work but don't blame the reader.  It gives reading a bad name. Reading in any form is good, and don't let anyone tell you any different.   

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