Thursday, April 14, 2011

I Am Shocked, Saddened, and Angry!

Dear Friends,
It is with a heavy heart that I write this blog.  I had already been having an A-1, first class crappy day when I got terrible news for soap viewers.  The unthinkable has happened.  ABC has canceled "One Life to Live" and "All My Children".  My mind is still trying to process the news.  I cannot say the words I really want to say about how I feel because this is a public blog.  But I will do my best to express myself. 

It's been rumored that ABC would cancel AMC for a while now.  And there have been rumors going around the internet about OLTL being canceled even longer.  So I never thought it would really happen.  When I started hearing recent rumors of "All My Children" AND "One Life to Live" being canceled, I dismissed them as just that--rumors.  I convinced myself that it would never happen because of the rumors of OLTL going around for so long.  I never wanted to be right so much in my life!  I convinced myself it wouldn't happen.  However, I underestimated the power of human stupidity.  Specifically that of one TV executive named Brian Frons.

Brian Frons has been systematically destroying ABC daytime for years now.  He ruins everything he touches, trying to "fix" things that don't need fixing.  He has even butted into areas of the business that are none of HIS business.  Hasn't he ever heard the phrase "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."? 

Lately, things haven't been that bad.  Frons has been surprisingly quiet, so I let my guard down.  What a mistake that was!  This latest move could be called "Cutting off your nose to spite your face" because it's the worst thing he could've done.  Canceling two very popular/loved soaps?  Seriously?  How is that logical?  I know part of his job is to bring in money, but the man is going about it the wrong way.  Yes, axing two shows and putting numerous actors and staff members out of work is one way. Oh, and did I mention that it is very cold-blooded?  But then you have an even bigger problem--Ticking off and alienating the fans--a very huge number--of both those shows.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't less viewers=less ratings for your network, which results in less money for your network?  And if the fans start boycotting the sponsors, ABC will lose more money than they are bringing in now--the exact OPPOSITE of the results they are trying to achieve. Explain to me how that is a good thing.

To make matters worse, I've heard that "All My Children" and "One Life to Live" are being replaced by talk shows and a cooking show.  According to him, viewer's tastes have changed, and this is what he says we want instead of our beloved soaps.  Oh? he's in our heads now and knows what we want?  Then riddle me this.  Why are there so many fan sites/message boards dedicated to soaps and/or soap actors and not as many dedicated to reality TV?  And how come all I've heard since rumors started of a cancellation are an outcry from angry fans?  I'll tell you why.  Because fans love their soaps more than reality TV.  We watch soap operas during the day because we want to escape reality!  But Brian Frons doesn't get that, nor does he care because all he sees is dollar signs.  He doesn't care about what the fans want.  He's obviously never listened to what we want or respected us.  And he sure doesn't understand the connection the fans and actors have with each other or how fiercely loyal soap opera fans are. What a shame that is.  It seems to me that in order to be a good TV executive, you need to know your viewers.  Obviously, Brian Frons doesn't have a clue.  I am curious to find out one thing.  What is he going to do when the new talk shows and cooking shows air, and there are no viewers watching?  What will he say then?

Now, lets forget the fans for a moment.  We've been disrespected and ignored for years.  It's wrong, but I'm used to it by now.  Lets focus on the actors.  The press was told about the cancellations BEFORE the actors and staff were, which is how the fans found out so fast.  And believe me the news was plastered all over the internet faster than anything I've ever seen!  So...let's recap, shall we? Frons has canceled TWO long-running, beloved soap operas, alienated the viewers, and disrespected the actors and staff by announcing it to the press first.  Nice work, Frons!  When is ABC going to realize that this man is poison to them and fire him before he destroys another show?  Get with it, ABC, before it's too late--if it isn't already.

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