Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Fan/Celebrity Relationship

I have always been a big fan of celebrities.  I have too many favorites to count.  It started when I was a teenager and has shown no signs of backing off over the years.  Maybe it comes from my desire to want to be in the entertainment business in some way.  Most people I know, especially my own family don't get it.  They think it's silly.  It's always made me feel like a bit of an outsider.  And it's only when I'm around other fans that I feel truly accepted.  

Over the years, I have formed a relationship of sorts with some celebrities.  I've talked to some on the phone and was very close to one for a while.  It always surprises me, though, when a celebrity I don't know well remembers me.  Case in point, I recently tweeted a celebrity I haven't contacted in a while. I was shocked  when he remembered me and said he hadn't heard from me in a while.  There have also been times when I got a reply back from a tweet, and I felt like I had died and gone to heaven.   

Still...I always had the attitude that the celebrity was there to entertain me.  It was their job. That's the life they chose.  The only money I should have to pay is to buy their movies, CD's or other merchandise they're selling.  So when I noticed a trend lately where celebrities were asking the fans to donate money to their projects, I was a little offended.  I mean, really?  I've heard of getting backers/investors for projects, but I thought that asking the fans was going a little too far.  I mean...they have money and contacts, right?  Why should the fans pay for their projects? 

Then I met a man online named Leon Acord, who has a web series "Old Dogs and New Tricks".  I now consider Leon to be a friend, and I hope he feels the same way.  He has totally changed my life and my way of thinking.  He posted a link The Art of Asking on Twitter.  After watching the video, I totally get it--and am now a huge Amanda Palmer fan.  I now see it as the fans being investors in projects, and I think this is a good thing.  We're the recipient of the final project, so why shouldn't we be involved in some way?  

Leon is trying to raise money for the 3rd (and what he says is the final season) of "Old Dogs and New Tricks". They need to reach their goal of $9,999 in the next TEN DAYS.  They are currently at $3,081.  Please help them out by going to Old Dogs and New Tricks Season 3 to contribute. Thanks!

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