The unfortunate incident began on Twitter when I read comments directed towards a writer of a TV show. People were criticizing him for some of the storylines on the show he writes for. Now, there is constructive criticism, and then there is just plain rude comments. I'm all for constructive criticism. But these people were just plain rude and had the nerve to complain when he responded with sarcastic remarks and/or blocked them. I simply tweeted that his remarks were sarcasm and to "grow up!" People started attacking me over my comment and at least one called me a bully. I've been called many things in my life, but I can assure you, "bully" is not one of them. People who know me can tell you that just isn't me. I'm actually quite calm, patient, loyal to a fault, and have a very long fuse. I'm also very open-minded and usually try to avoid confrontation at all cost. But when I see/hear someone being insulted for no good reason, I can't stay quiet. I try...but it usually doesn't end well. I can be bossy and opinionated at times, but a bully? Me? I didn't think so. So when someone called me that, I was shocked! My comment may have had a little bite to it, but it's hardly bullying. By definition, a bully is a noisy, blustering fellow, more insolent than courageous, who threatens, intimidates, or badgers people who are smaller or weaker than he is; an insolent, tyrannical fellow. Now, I have been bullied before, and I know this is NOT what I did. Not even close!
When something like this happens, I tend to question myself. After all, we don't always see ourselves the way others do. So I did the only thing I could think of. I asked a friend's opinion, who agreed it wasn't bullying. At one point, a total stranger, who had nothing to gain by agreeing with or defending me, came to my rescue.
To make matters worse, the same people attacking me over my comment said that if the writer (AKA the recipient of their rudeness) can't take it, he should get off Twitter. I am SO sick of that argument! Just because people are rude to him & he chooses not to take it, he should get off Twitter? Everyone has a right to be on Twitter (and the internet in general).
This whole thing got me thinking. If it had happened off-line, it would've just been classified as just an argument because honestly, that's exactly what it was. We also defend people offline and no one accuses us as being a bully. So why is it considered bullying when it's online? Defending someone is unacceptable now? And why is it that people think that they can make rude comments to someone, but if the person they're being rude to responds in kind, then THEY are the rude one? People seem to think that because it's online, they can say whatever they want since the internet is covered by the right of free speech and if others don't like it, tough toenails. And when someone calls them on their behavior, well they're just wrong. They'd rather label someone a bully than admit that the person calling them on their behavior might actually have a valid point. It's easier that way. Heaven forbid if they should take responsibility for what they said. It just seems to me that people are hiding behind the internet as an excuse to say what they want without any consequences. What is wrong with this picture? Am I the only one who seems to think there is a problem here?
I'm not saying that people shouldn't voice their opinions online. I'm simply saying that if you do it rudely, you shouldn't be surprised or complain if you get rudeness in return. And you shouldn't label someone a bully just because they defend someone.
Any thoughts?
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