Until recently, I thought
things couldn't possibly get any worse with the cancellation of "All My
Children" and "One Life to Live" situation. However, I
once again underestimated the power of human stupidity. Oh, ABC and
Disney, you've been very bad, it seems. When will you ever learn?
if canceling two very popular and long running soaps weren't enough, ABC
apparently has gone a step further and rejected offers to purchase BOTH
soaps. So lets recap, shall we? First, they decide for us that the
soap genre has no place in today's TV lineup, despite the millions of viewers
both shows have that contradict that fact and cancel both shows. Now they
are rejecting legitimate offers to buy the shows. Let me get this
straight. ABC clearly doesn't WANT the shows themselves. However,
they also don't want anyone else to have them, which means they are denying the
viewers the right to see these shows elsewhere? This reminds me of when "Guiding
Light"/P&G wouldn't let Michael Zaslow out of his contract to go back
to OLTL sooner after GL let him go. My, my...Aren't we selfish,
ABC? Silly network. You should've known that you couldn't keep this
from us. Apparently, no one ever told you that there are no secrets in
show business. If you do something, it's going to come out
eventually. And when it does, you end up looking worse than you did in
the first place. And trust me, you were looking pretty bad already.
latest move only confirms what ABC soap viewers have known for years. The
network doesn't appreciate or respect us at all, despite the fact that viewers
are the reason they have shows to air at all. Seriously, without viewers,
where would networks be? And apparently, TPTB at ABC are laughing at the fans
and calling us clueless. How rude! Yes, we know Frons has a boss,
who also has a boss, who has a boss, etc. What's their point? The
final decision to axe both soaps may not have been his, but they're acting like
the man is blameless when he isn't. He IS the President of Daytime at
ABC, after all. And in fact, things started going downhill with daytime
the moment he got his job. So do NOT tell me he is blameless or a
"scapegoat". I'm not that stupid.
all this weren't enough, I've heard that ABC IS planning on firing Frons, but
they have to find the right time to do it. Now, normally I would say this
is a good thing. And it still is. Getting rid of that idiot is way
over-due. However, they are only doing it to try to repair the damage
with the fans that this whole fiasco has caused. So basically, they are
only doing it to get back in our good graces to make themselves look
good. Sorry, ABC. Too little, too late, in my opinion. Get
rid of him for the right reasons. Not just to win back viewers you've
already lost. How many times do we have to tell you that the fans/viewers
don't like being manipulated?
ABC, I have just one thing left to say (for now). The way I see it, you
have two choices. Keep the soaps or allow others to buy them so they can
live on and be seen by their loyal fans. Pick one! But you can't
have it both ways. Denying others to buy the shows so loyal viewers can
enjoy them is wrong and bad business. Shame on you! As for "The
Chew". I will watch ONE show just to see how many people show up in
the audience. My guess would be the 5 viewers ABC has who can't think for